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Postnatal Doula

The days following labor and delivery are critical for both mum and bub. The support of a doula can make a dramatic impact in easing the struggles that come during this transition period. Everything from being an emotional support to providing practical support and advice for life with a new born.


As your postnatal doula I will:


• Visit for 2 hours or spend a day with you in your home

• Listen and provide emotional support

• Give you confidence to trust your instincts

• Provide practical advice and useful information about caring for your newborn, including: breastfeeding,

bonding, settling, sleep (for baby and you!), newborn development, SIDS, safety around the home etc.)

• Make you a meal (applies to full day only)



ZoeLifeDoulaSevices will reply 7 days a week between 9am and 5pm.

Thanks for submitting!

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